Blog time!
I'm Craig Mooney (_)(_)
Apparently a Mature Student!
- 13/06/80 - (My Wii Fit Age is 26)
The first game I ever played was Pong. With my dad.
It was strangely mesmerising :o
From then I had an Amstrad CPC-464
The games took so long to load!
Roland in The Caves = Epic
Ghostbusters II = A long, long wait
Dizzy = The most bizarre game I ever played at the time
Check him out!
From then it was a Commodore Amiga 1200
Ah! New Zealand Story how I miss you :'(
Then I got hold of this White Elephant of the Video Game world - The Amiga CD32
I just couldn't find any games! So I sold it to a collector! "Kah-Ching!"
To cut a long story short:
Xbox 360
====== \{>o<}/ ======
I've spent the last nine years working in Graphic Design, Textiles and finally (or mainly) Photography.
So the last time I was in a place of learning was about 10 years ago!
It's going to be interesting, back 'in class' again.
I'm not really sure why my career path led in that direction?!
Considering my interest lie in more Illustrative pursuits.
I think it was a combination of biding my time on the corporate ladder and paying the bills.
More of the latter though.
But generally, I felt that my skills were not being used for anything productive, or creative,
that I could be proud of.
My dream is simply that I want to work, so that people can enjoy what I do. Does that make sense?
I'd like my art/work to make people happy and entertain them. (And hopefully get paid for it).
But I have no illusions about the industry. I expect lots of late nights at the office, getting the latest project ready for deadline. Maybe some Pizza?
And, to be honest, that sounds great to me. Compared to the creative Black-Hole I just came from.
I just hope I don't get stuck making everyone's Tea!
Because I'm crap at making Tea.
I've always loved to draw, sketch and generally create things.
Whether it be on paper or with Plasticine and bits of wire.
I remember once, taking apart an entire VCR, just to get a few strips of candy stripped wire!
![]() |
Wire-Mummies! |
It's a great feeling to realise your idea.
3D work has the same kind of appeal to me.
Creating an object, although insubstantial, to become something with nearly endless possibilities.
Or limited possibilities! It's still a craft in my opinion.
3dsmax is like most programs when you first use them. It makes you feel like an absolute retard.
![]() |
Oooh! Shiny! |
I swear, my brain thinks Apple+C, Apple+V!
Help me! Steve Jobs has subverted my cognisance!
Help me! Steve Jobs has subverted my cognisance!
And to be able to just sit and draw for 4 hours on a Tuesday!
It's awesome.
I had to sneak in a few moments of drawing in my previous job. And it was never time enough to get my sketches done.
Now I have the opportunity to develop and rediscover those skills, it's a great relief.
It also feels like I have more of a handle on my career prospects, which is a lot of pressure, but still a good feeling regardless.
I'm waiting for my strengths to emerge through the assignments.
I've always considered myself a reasonably good 2d artist. But I may discover that I'm stronger in 3D production.
I did start out looking at the role of Concept Artist - (this more film based) (this more film based)
This has so much appeal but requires the Artist to be as fluid with their ideas as possible and to continually adapt to the clients whims.
Now, I've always considered myself to be tenacious and a little stubborn with my ideas so, this would require a great deal of personal growth and revision towards my work and output.
But this whole journey for me has been all about change, whether it be in small or large measures.
So it's not unachievable.
I think one main barrier I need to overcome, is feeling that I'm not good enough to be doing this.
My confidence has atrophied somewhat.
But it's all coming back :)
I've certainly learnt some essential drawing pointers from Chris, that were previously unknown to me (even at the ripe age of 30!)
So, for this 1st year I plan to be like a sponge and just soak up all the lessons, crits, tutorials and techniques and just evolve.
I hope that makes sense :D
I must admit, on my first week, I had so many reservations about what the course would entail and what my fellow game students would be like, those fears have all dissolved.
I think I must have been carrying a few hang-ups from my previous adventures in Higher Education.
Your good people!
I feel like I'm in good hands with Chris, Heather and Mike too. Which is a massive relief!
(I've encountered so many Jaded course leaders and tutors in the past)
Their approach is a breath of fresh air.
(The images displayed are some examples of a random experiment with wire, plasticine and anatomy. Just to see if I could make an armature out of these materials)
So here I am
(The actual story is a long and winding road of repeated back injuries and financial disappointment which, believe me, I have spared you)
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